Wednesday 23 March 2016

Army Update

So my friends and I went on holiday in feb and the cottage where we stayed had a ping pong table so I took the opportunity to put my whole army (minus Swooping hawks) out for a photo.
I started painting my brothers Dreadnought on holiday as well, nice to paint something that isn't red. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Eldrad and Avatar of Khaine

I think the Avatar was on the first models I got years ago and I also think he was the first I attempted to paint and did a shocking job as well. So I am currently in the process of trying to salvage him lol  and then finally finish painting him. He is one of my favourite models to field and I don't think I've played a game without him.

I initially started painting Eldrad here in the Ulthwé colour scheme but discovered a much nicer colour scheme on the Games workshop website. I really love blue gems! he's probably about 50% done here

Saturday 13 February 2016


When I'm not painting the models I am slowly working on some scenery. My brother bought these Barricades 5 years ago, and its a good job he did as you cannot get a hold of them any more. Which is poop as they are quite good for breaking up the battlefield and don't take up much space in transport/storage.

I've been working on painting Eldrad Ulthran this week but the weather hasn't been good for photos so sometime this week when its sunny I'll snappy some piccys. 

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Pheonix Lord Karandras update

I started his body on Saturday and today I have worked on his head. Just blocking in all the colours and then a quick Agrax Earthshade wash to help define areas. Next I will be painting the gems and details like his claw and fancy helmet.

In other news my brother and I played a game on Sunday against my boyfriend and friend they had Chaos and Khorne armies and they kicked our asses lol, I only had two men left on the board at the end of turn 5; Jain Zar (yay she kicked ass) and one lonely Wraithgaurd.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Grey Knight and new HQs

My brother collects Grey Knights so I pinched one of his men to paint. I quite enjoyed painting this guy, I haven't finished him yet but the words on his armour were fun as well as the shields on his arms.

I got some new models in the post last week:

Eldrad Uthran and Phoenix Lord Karandras, might start painting them today or tomorrow....

Monday 1 February 2016


I've been working on my wraith units this week, Above is my Spiritseer still got details and his base to do, but I am pleased with how he is progressing.

I got some already assembled Wraithguard from ebay so painting them is challenging. At the moment I've only just done the basic colours no details, highlights or gems yet.

And this guy has been waiting to be painted for 5 years lol. 

Friday 29 January 2016

Aspect Warriors: Fire Dragons

Haven't been able to photograph what I have been painting this week, so here are a few models I painted about 5 years ago:

Fire Dragons, Phoenix Lord Fuegan and a Harlequin Shadowseer. The metal models have suffered a bit with some bits of paint chipping off edges (Fire dragon's finger for example). The Shadowseer is now part of a different army and it has a new model now :( 

Aspect Warriors: Howling Banshees

So the last few weeks my friends and I have gotten back into playing Warhammer 40k, and this time I am determined to have the whole of my army painted. I'm not going to spam this post with a tonne of photos today, so here are a few of the most recent models I have been painting:

Howling Banshees in various stages (I have a short attention span :p)

Their leader the Exarch
And a recent addition (arrived yesterday) Jain Zar the Phoenix lord of the Howling Banshees. Still got a lot of work do on these gals, but so far I am pleased with how they are progressing. 

New Blog

I've decided that as I have quite a few posts queued up that feature Warhammer 40k, I would make a new blog dedicated to it and not mix it in with my other blog

I'll post my previous two posts from my other blog in here and will carry on updating this one with my Eldar army, and my mission to get it all painted.

and sort out a header and a nice layout for this blog too....