Sunday 7 April 2019

Dungeons and Dragons Tactical Map Reincarnated pack

So I bought this pack of maps and was frustrated by the lack of information or previews as to what the actual maps look like. But I am super happy with the variety of maps included in this pack: So here are some small previews so that any one who was on the fence about purchasing this pack and wanted to have a looksee.

Monday 1 April 2019

Dungeon Walls

So a while ago I got some resin cast dungeon walls from this Etsy Seller. There's 75 pieces of different sized walls to be able to build a decent sized dungeon. The walls come in grey which is great to get playing with straight away, but I wanted to paint mine. I got Uniform Grey primer spray, changes the grey colour slightly so again it could be battlefield ready after this. Next I got some different shades of grey from my D&D paints (that are just re branded army painter colours) and randomly painted a few of the stones:

Left is primed, right is painted.

After the paint was dry a quick wash with Dark tone army painter wash. Then a dry brush with a mix of  White and Dungeon stone (I think). Looks good now, but I still want to add more detail.

Some Army painter battlefields Summer undergrowth and static grass tufts from Peco Scene to give the wall a more realistic underground look. Buuuuuuut I didn't stop there, I remembered that I had some Uv curing resin and dripped some on the wall to make it look soggy, like a wall full of damp and undergrowth would look like. Anyway I think the wall looks good and I will be making a few more like it so when the adventurers go through the dungeon there's some consistency to the decoration. 

Also thinking about some bloodied walls, walls with magic symbols carved in them with maybe some glow in the dark paint to react under black lights......