Wednesday 19 December 2018

Grey versus Black 3d models

So these Dwarves are my brothers models, he first got the more expensive plastic from Hero forge for his Dwarven druid (Left) and then went with the cheaper plastic for his Dwarven cleric (right). Anyway I thought this was a good opportunity to photograph them both together so other people can see the difference in the two plastics. The black definitely holds more detail but I suspect it will be difficult to paint as the plastic is 'shiny' and I know for a fact the grey plastic is easy to paint on as I have already painted my grey model.

Sunday 2 December 2018


A few bugbears that I've been working on, about half way painted at the moment, just been blocking in colours and did a quick wash and realized all the bits I missed lol.

Couldn't resist this Owlbear pin from Mythicalstudios